by CalebJune 21, 2010

Nike Lets Fans 'Write the Future' On Johannesburg's Fourth Tallest Building

As part of its Write the Future campaign, Nike has taken over Johannesburg's Southern Life Center building for an interactive LED light show.

"Write the Headline" allows fans around the world to root for their favorite World Cup player in a big way. The installation, almost the size of half a football pitch, displays submissions from Facebook, Twitter ( #writethefuture), QQ (a Chinese chat program), and Mxit (a South African IM app) that read from distances as far as 2.5 kilometers away.

Users vote on the player they think will 'write the future.' Personal messages are then projected on the city's fourth largest building. It's in examples like this that we see how far Twitter and Facebook have come in the past few years.

See Nike's Write the Headline here:

[via coolhunting]

  • AdAge IDEA Conference: Sell with Magic | MobileBehavior

    [...] Pittsburgh-based Deeplocal makes magic look easy. For the World Cup, they helped Nike rig Johannesburg’s fourth tallest building, transforming it into a canvas for global participation. [...]

  • AdAge IDEA Conference: Sell with Magic « Tribal DDB

    [...] What is gutter tech? According to Nathan Martin and Eamae Mirkin of Deeplocal, it’s the “bridging of real and digital in unconventional ways.” It is the Internet of Things being harnessed for storytelling. For advertisers, it’s what comes after digital or “post-digital.” While those of us in the industry struggle to define this emerging practice, we should remind ourselves that for those experiencing it, it’s simply magic.Pittsburgh-based Deeplocal makes magic look easy. For the World Cup, they helped Nike rig Johannesburg’s fourth tallest building, transforming it into a canvas for global participation. [...]

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