September 14, 2009
News to Us: BrickBreaker, Centrl, Nokia Plum, Mobile Hitchhiking and More

- AT&T Begins Rolling out MMS for iPhone | MobileCrunch
The much anticipated multimedia messaging support for iPhone has started rolling out for some AT&T users, three weeks ahead of schedule.
- The Phone Beckons: Got Game? | New York Times
Among BlackBerry owners, BrickBreaker is the bundled game of choice. Signs of a growing community around it include the first ever BrickBreaker tournament, over 150 Facebook groups, and blogs dedicated to presenting players with written guides.
- Location-Based Mobile Social Network Centrl Integrates Web App, Adds First Real-Time Location-Based Messaging System | TechCrunch
Centrl, a player in the location aware game, has released a mobile web app which allows free instant-messaging on a map interface. The app is "platform agnostic" and does not rely on the host device's SMS.
- T-Mobile Declares World War? | Daily Wireless
The deal has not yet happened, but T-Mobile is reportedly considering a possible 11 billion dollar bid for Sprint Nextel. If this were to happen, T-Mobile would nearly equal AT&T in size.
- Hitchhiking With Your Mobile Phone | Wired
OpenRide is a mobile application that instantly matches drivers with ride-seekers, allowing spontaneous carpooling for anyone with a mobile phone. Instead of holding a thumb high hoping for a trustworthy ride, users can simply connect over OpenRide.
- 300,000 Kanye West Tweets Interrupt Twitter | Mashable
The media is abuzz about the weekend's Kanye West and Taylor Swift confrontation at the VMA's. Twitter reflects the conversation showing almost 300,000 tweets in an hour .
- Clearwire Lays Groundwork for WiMax Global Roaming | Phone Scoop Clearwire and international WiMax operators have agreed to take steps to make global roaming on WiMax networks possible. The companies involved believe that taking this step will push for the success of WiMax as a networking technology.
- Nokia Makes Social Networking Play, Picks Plum | MediaPost
To keep up with social networking technologies, Nokia has acquired Plum, a micro sharing social startup. Plum gives people in small social groups the ability to connect through private networks instead of using Twitter or Facebook.
- Speed Trumps Quality for Mobile 'Net Users | MarketingVox MarketingCharts reports that the speed at which a mobile site loads, the ease of navigation, and the quality of site content are the top three things determining a user's return to a mobile site.