An Increasing Number of Teenagers Are Enlisting the Help of Image Consultants [WashingtonPost]
As lifestreaming becomes a mainstream activity of teens with their photos and updates flooding the web, some are turning to professional image consultants to get a handle on their identities.
Life Is But A Stream [Ypulse]
New research out of the UK confirms what we've been noticing, that teens are moving away from downloading music in favor of streaming. In this study, only 26% admitted to downloading at least once a month (down from 42% in 2008).
New York Nearest Subway AR App [Amit Gupta Likes You!]
The team that created the Nearest Tube augmented reality iPhone app we reported on the other week has now created on for New Yorkers called Nearest Subway (thanks!)
Mobile Ads Perform Better than Ads Online. For Now [Econsultancy]
can you make this one more of a list of the stats she mentions with a short lead in?
LG Kicks Off Mobile Worldcup 2009 for Fastest Texter [SlashPhone]
After launching their app store in Asia, LG is now hosting the World Cup of texters to debut in August.
India's Rural Mobile Phone Users Hit 100 Million [PC World]
India and China are poised to be the biggest cell phone markets in the near future, thanks largely to people in rural areas. India had 109.7 million rural mobile subscribers at the end of the first quarter, up by 18 percent from the previous year,
Facebook Driving Mobile Net Usage [BBC News]
According to CCS Insight, 1/3 of 16-35 year olds regularly access Twitter and Facebook on their mobile and social networking sites are driving data usage on mobile.
Students Hit With $15 Fine For Using Cells in School [ABC News]
From ringing in class, to spreading unflattering pictures on campus, the cell phone has raised red flags across U.S. schools. Now in Texas, by state law, administrators are now allowed to confiscate cell phones no matter how they are used, and students can be fined $15 to get it back.
The Evolution of Facebook's Mission Statement [The New York Observer]
From a Harvard-only network back in 2004 to over 60 million users today across the world, Facebook's mission statements reflect the brands growth. Michael Galpert does a good job tracing their taglines.
Why Teens Aren’t Using Twitter: It Doesn’t Feel Safe [TechCrunch]
We seem to really want teens to be on Twitter, it's always coming up in conversation: Are they or aren't they? If not, why?? This post hypothesizes that teens don't tweet due to the inability to control your network.
RIM Launching A BlackBerry Social Network For Venting [TechCrunch]
RIM is launching MyBlackBerry.com to help the launch of its application store. The site will act as a social networking tool where users can post their tips, favorite apps, or just any info about their BlackBerry.