April 9, 2009
Week Links: Coachella App, Teens Track Carbon Impact with Mobile, Youth + iPhone and More...
Teenage iPhone market on the rise [IntoMobile]
8 % of students in a recent Piper Jaffray survey said they already own an iPhone, with another 22% implying that they plan to purchase one in the next 6 months, up substantially from the firm's April survey. What's more, of those students adding a mobile phone to their "wish lists," 33% penciled in an iPhone.
Festival Navigation: The Coachella iPhone App [PSFK]
Coachella is coming next week and, with it, a very full line-up squeezed into three days. To keep track of the who, what, where and when, festival organizers developed an iPhone app complete with interactive maps and live updates.
The Most Popular iPhone App Has Been Downloaded By A Third of All Users [mocoNews]
ComScore monitored 2 million online users to see what apps they chose and the verdict is in: Tapulous’ Tap Tap Revenge is the most popular app with 16 million users downloading it. On a related note, Coldplay just recently followed NIN with their own version of the game.
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run [CrunchGear]
Speaking of NIN, the band is coming out with an app that will let users find other nearby NIN fans, chat and share content on the go. Among the other big features, you’ll be able to stream all of NIN’s music on the go – for FREE.
Program helps kids find their carbon impact [San Francisco Gate]
The Go Green Foundation is getting students interested in environmentalism through cellphones. Thanks to a partnership between Nokia, UCLA and AT&T, 25 high school students will be using GPS-handsets to track their transportation habits, which will then be published on Facebook. There’s nothing like a community of 200 million users to shame you into riding your bike more.
Verizon Adds 5m MP3s, Tiered Pricing to Music Store [MobileContentToday]
Verizon Wireless is joining the DRM-free music revolution by adding five million MP3 files to its Media Store. It will also include tiered pricing for the individual tracks, something iTunes just introduced as well.
iPhone Video Recording Interface, Digital Compass, Voice Control and Auto-Focus Camera [Mac Rumors]
The iPhone 3.0 video recording capabilities that have been swirling around the online rumor mill were pretty much verified with this screenshot, posted at Mac Rumors. The rub? You may have to get a new phone to access this sweet ride and all the other condiments of 3.0.
Nintendo DSi Portable Game System
Nintendo just released its highly-anticipated next version of the DS handheld gaming system. The DSi's new interface looks a lot like the Wii and boasts a dual camera system that lets users take and share photos and gives developers the opportunity to create games that incorporate users' images and motions.
Flo Rida Must Have A Lot Of Rollover Minutes [Idolator]
Flo Rida may be a busy guy, but he still wants to stay in touch with those fans kind enough to purchase his entire album. The rapper is encouraging fans to holler at him - 305-528-2786 and, while you might get his voicemail, he’ll try and text you back.
The iPhone Gold Rush [New York Times]
iPhone app sales are surpassing many developers expectations, even helping some quit their day jobs.
Gen Y, Reborn Digitals and Virtual Borderlands [YPulse]
Our guest post on YPulse about identity, privacy and location-sharing.
iPhone Skype may be tip of the iceberg for carriers [Network World]
Earlier this week we published our VoIp timeline, here Network World further discusses what the technology could mean for major carriers.