June 11, 2009
Week Links: Palm Pre "Sells Out", Music Matters, ScanBuy's Twitter Code & More
Palm Only Sold 35,000-60,000 Pres Over Launch Weekend, Fraction of iPhone [Business Insider]
Thanks to supply constraints, the Palm Pre did in fact “sell out,” but its numbers are nothing compared to the 1 million iPhone 3Gs that Apple shipped and sold in its first weekend last summer.
“Music Matters” To Asian Youth; Digital Trends Highlighted During Conference [Digital East Asia]
Music is a major part of youth’s cultural identity in Asia, which has major implications for mobile when you consider that more than half of young mobile phone owners in the region use their handsets to listen to music.
Content Creation On Mobiles in Japan [mocoNews]
The Japanese aren't just consuming content on their cellphones, they're creating it using new services for mashing-up videos, social drawing and on-the-go blogging.
When Did You Buy Your Last App? Survey Says It was Over the Weekend [ReadWriteWeb]
Consumers are over 30 percent more likely to download an app over the weekend than during the week, and they’re more likely to pay for the apps then too.
Valentine’s Day was busiest texting day of Q1: VeriSign [Mobile Marketer]
All those I <3 U texts amounted to more than 1 billion SMS and MMS messages last Valentine’s Day.
Apple looks towards digital media sharing during iPhone calls [Apple Insider]
Technology could be coming that will allow iPhone users to attach and transmit media items like music files, video, images, voicemails and podcasts with the person they are currently talking to on the phone.
ScanLife offers 2D bar codes for Twitter, instant-win campaigns [MobileMarketer]
ScanBuy has added two bar code actions: Twitter Code, which automatically posts a custom Tweet to a user’s Twitter account, and Lotto Code, which lets marketers implement instant-win campaigns through cellphones.
Lady Gaga Now Has a TapTap Face [Idolator]
Following the success of Nine Inch Nail's version of Tap Tap Revenge, the makers of the game (Tapulous) struck a deal with Universal Music Group to build new music games for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Lady GaGa’s getting her own version of Tap Tap (the most popular game in the App store) first.
LG: U.S. teens and tweens use more than 2,000 unknown words in their text messages [IntoMobile]
According to LG, teens and tweens are sending more than 1.2 million texts every minute, much of it in txtspk. The study also found that teens ranks their SMS higher in terms of privacy concerns than diaries or emails.
Adidas “Show Your Resolution!” Project [CScout]
Tying in the 2010 World Cup, Adidas is launching a campaign called “Show Your Resolution!” that lets soccer fans send comments or “resolutions” to players. If fans download a free wallpaper from the Adidas branded mobile site, they can actually go to a store and see their resolutions appear and animate on a digital signage display.
Tired of long lines at Disney? Now, there’s an app for that [The Orlando Sentinel]
An Orlando resident developed the “Wait Times” iPhone app to tell you how long the lines are at Magic Kingdom based on user-supplied information.