All posts tagged ‘tap tap revenge’

June 11, 2009 by NGT

Week Links: Palm Pre "Sells Out", Music Matters, ScanBuy's Twitter Code & More

Palm Only Sold 35,000-60,000 Pres Over Launch Weekend, Fraction of iPhone [Business Insider]
Thanks to supply constraints, the Palm Pre did in fact “sell out,” but its numbers are nothing compared to the 1 million iPhone 3Gs that Apple shipped and sold in its first weekend last summer.

“Music Matters” To Asian Youth; Digital Trends Highlighted During Conference [Digital East Asia]
Music is a major part of youth’s cultural identity in Asia, which has major implications for mobile when you consider that more than half of young mobile phone owners in the region use their handsets to listen to music.

Content Creation On Mobiles in Japan [mocoNews]
The Japanese aren't just consuming content on their cellphones, they're creating it using new services for mashing-up videos, social drawing and on-the-go blogging.

When Did You Buy Your Last App? Survey Says It was Over the Weekend [ReadWriteWeb]
Consumers are over 30 percent more likely to download an app over the weekend than during the week, and they’re more likely to pay for the apps then too.

Valentine’s Day was busiest texting day of Q1: VeriSign [Mobile Marketer]
All those I <3 U texts amounted to more than 1 billion SMS and MMS messages last Valentine’s Day.

Apple looks towards digital media sharing during iPhone calls [Apple Insider]
Technology could be coming that will allow iPhone users to attach and transmit media items like music files, video, images, voicemails and podcasts with the person they are currently talking to on the phone.

ScanLife offers 2D bar codes for Twitter, instant-win campaigns [MobileMarketer]
ScanBuy has added two bar code actions: Twitter Code, which automatically posts a custom Tweet to a user’s Twitter account, and Lotto Code, which lets marketers implement instant-win campaigns through cellphones.

Lady Gaga Now Has a TapTap Face [Idolator]
Following the success of Nine Inch Nail's version of Tap Tap Revenge, the makers of the game (Tapulous) struck a deal with Universal Music Group to build new music games for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Lady GaGa’s getting her own version of Tap Tap (the most popular game in the App store) first.

LG: U.S. teens and tweens use more than 2,000 unknown words in their text messages [IntoMobile]
According to LG, teens and tweens are sending more than 1.2 million texts every minute, much of it in txtspk. The study also found that teens ranks their SMS higher in terms of privacy concerns than diaries or emails.

Adidas “Show Your Resolution!” Project [CScout]
Tying in the 2010 World Cup, Adidas is launching a campaign called “Show Your Resolution!” that lets soccer fans send comments or “resolutions” to players. If fans download a free wallpaper from the Adidas branded mobile site, they can actually go to a store and see their resolutions appear and animate on a digital signage display.

Tired of long lines at Disney? Now, there’s an app for that [The Orlando Sentinel]
An Orlando resident developed the “Wait Times” iPhone app to tell you how long the lines are at Magic Kingdom based on user-supplied information.

April 9, 2009 by NGT

Week Links: Coachella App, Teens Track Carbon Impact with Mobile, Youth + iPhone and More...

Teenage iPhone market on the rise [IntoMobile]
8 % of students in a recent Piper Jaffray survey said they already own an iPhone, with another 22% implying that they plan to purchase one in the next 6 months, up substantially from the firm's April survey. What's more, of those students adding a mobile phone to their "wish lists," 33% penciled in an iPhone.

Festival Navigation: The Coachella iPhone App [PSFK]
Coachella is coming next week and, with it, a very full line-up squeezed into three days. To keep track of the who, what, where and when, festival organizers developed an iPhone app complete with interactive maps and live updates.

The Most Popular iPhone App Has Been Downloaded By A Third of All Users [mocoNews]
ComScore monitored 2 million online users to see what apps they chose and the verdict is in: Tapulous’ Tap Tap Revenge is the most popular app with 16 million users downloading it. On a related note, Coldplay just recently followed NIN with their own version of the game.

Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run [CrunchGear]
Speaking of NIN, the band is coming out with an app that will let users find other nearby NIN fans, chat and share content on the go. Among the other big features, you’ll be able to stream all of NIN’s music on the go – for FREE.

Program helps kids find their carbon impact [San Francisco Gate]
The Go Green Foundation is getting students interested in environmentalism through cellphones. Thanks to a partnership between Nokia, UCLA and AT&T, 25 high school students will be using GPS-handsets to track their transportation habits, which will then be published on Facebook. There’s nothing like a community of 200 million users to shame you into riding your bike more.

Verizon Adds 5m MP3s, Tiered Pricing to Music Store [MobileContentToday]
Verizon Wireless is joining the DRM-free music revolution by adding five million MP3 files to its Media Store. It will also include tiered pricing for the individual tracks, something iTunes just introduced as well.

iPhone Video Recording Interface, Digital Compass, Voice Control and Auto-Focus Camera [Mac Rumors]
The iPhone 3.0 video recording capabilities that have been swirling around the online rumor mill were pretty much verified with this screenshot, posted at Mac Rumors. The rub? You may have to get a new phone to access this sweet ride and all the other condiments of 3.0.

Nintendo DSi Portable Game System
Nintendo just released its highly-anticipated next version of the DS handheld gaming system. The DSi's new interface looks a lot like the Wii and boasts a dual camera system that lets users take and share photos and gives developers the opportunity to create games that incorporate users' images and motions.

Flo Rida Must Have A Lot Of Rollover Minutes [Idolator]
Flo Rida may be a busy guy, but he still wants to stay in touch with those fans kind enough to purchase his entire album. The rapper is encouraging fans to holler at him - 305-528-2786 and, while you might get his voicemail, he’ll try and text you back.

The iPhone Gold Rush [New York Times]
iPhone app sales are surpassing many developers expectations, even helping some quit their day jobs.

Gen Y, Reborn Digitals and Virtual Borderlands [YPulse]
Our guest post on YPulse about identity, privacy and location-sharing.

iPhone Skype may be tip of the iceberg for carriers [Network World]
Earlier this week we published our VoIp timeline, here Network World further discusses what the technology could mean for major carriers.

October 3, 2008 by NGT

The Week in Mobile: New Campaigns, Handset Trends, Mobile Music, Gen Y Insights...

Obama takes campaign to the iPhone [CNN]
While McCain tries to figure out the difference between Macs and PCs, Barack Obama is busy launching his very own iPhone application. How about some GPS features that tell me how to get to my polling station?

Sporting goods brand Vans uses mobile for branding [Mobile Marketer]
Vans has launched a mobile destination through FunMobility (“America's largest mobile content community”) that allows users to receive daily text messages and free wallpapers (also on ).

Leveraging the mobile phone for guided in-store product tours [EverydayUX]
Who needs to flag down a guy in a maroon vest?  A Quantum grill spotted at Lowes has a 1-800 number right on the box you can call for a real-time audio tour of the product. We expect shortcodes and wap links to be a regular feature on packaging and at POS, cool to see the beginnings...

Mobile browser Skyfire 0.8 released, opens the gates to full-desktop browsing experience for mobile [UberGizmo]
Skyfire has released a new version of its free software that can give you a PC-like browsing experience on any Windows Mobile (and soon Symbian) phone. Who needs an iPhone?

Megapixel race hits the mobile realm [Engadget]
...or a camera? Nokia N95 and Motorola’s upcoming ZN5 each have 5 megapixels, but just wait... Gizmodo was recently jonesin’ on an 8 MP shooter from Samsung, and Electronista has heralded the arrival of its 8 MP brother from another mother – the KC780 from LG.

What Song Is That? Shazam Will Tell You [Mediabistro]
In January we said Shazam’s iPhone app was “definitely the coolest one out there.” Looks like Samsung agreed: They just announced that they will embed the mobile music discovery service into the new Samsung Beat handsets. Will be interesting to see how this “comes with” offering stacks up to a subscription model like AT&T’s Music ID.

Nine Inch Nails Version of Tap Tap Revenge Coming to iTunes [Gizmodo]
Video games have become a launching pad for new music, why not mobile video games? A soon-to-be-released premium version of Tap Tap Revenge, the iPhone equivalent of Guitar Hero, will include a NIN-centric theme and a bunch of the band’s songs. The partnership comes on the heels of Snow Patrol’s interactive app for their latest album.


Carl Zeiss Cinemizer Mobile Eyewear
Remember Virtual Boy from Nintendo? Well, you won’t be able to play Nester’s Funky Bowling in Predator-vision on these new shades from Carl Zeiss, but you will be able to watch 3D movies without having to settle for Mylie or Beowulf.

3D Force Field Opens Door for Holodeck, Virtual Touchable Leia
Check out the groundbreaking Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display – a “high-fidelity 3D force field on the air that allows you to actually touch virtual objects with your bare hands.” Most likely the new technology will first be applied to virtual keyboards, but we should probably expect Sims-like action at some point.

Visa Bringing Mobile Banking Application to Android [Mobile Burn]
Visa is developing a mobile banking application that will allow Google Android-based smartphones to receive financial alerts and special offers. Not only will Visa members soon be able to make contactless payments, but they will also be able to “quickly locate nearby ATMs or other banking locations” through Google Maps.

Generation of Fear
[Laurel Papworth]
Gen Y fear not finding their passion. "By not connecting to their passion and with others that share similar passions, Gen Y fear they will not have a voice and will end up being ignored." They find these like-minded others online, where their creativity is recognized, and they are self-empowered. Gen Y see the world as full of information and believe that leadership comes from their environment, thus many don't see the same value in an elite college education as older generations.

Are ‘Millenials’ the Smartest or Dumbest Generation? [Education Weekly]
While social networking and video games have generally lead to “an abandonment of serious leisure reading,” young people’s “leisure pursuits today are ‘more sophisticated’” than those of the baby boomers. Millenials watch “multilayed dramas,” sustain a trend of rising IQ scores, write computer software, create robots and show a great “reversal of self-destructive behaviors.”